Friday, October 30, 2009

ground beef and tortilla does not a burrito make

Out from Dresden and across the Allegheny mountains. There was one thing that was a real draw for this trip, more than anything else… the thought of the Appalachians in fall. We were not disappointed! Valley upon valley of brilliant color and a perfect cloudy driving day. After seven hours on the road (and some "mexican" food in west virginia) we cruised down Connecticut avenue into DC to meet brother-in-law John for some stellar Chinese food at the Sichuan Pavillion (it’s a good sign when you walk in the door and can’t hear a lick of English being spoken).

For Heather and the Cousins...

back to the shire

So if you had a 93 year old hobbit for a grandmother and she told you that she pulled out the sofa bed by herself when she wanted to sleep downstairs, what would you do? Well if you’re like us, and always up for a good show, you’d say “lets see it old lady!”. So, damned if she didn’t!
After witnessing the feats of strength of Virginia, we enjoyed the singular pleasures of settling into a small town pace of life. Dresden, Ohio truly is all that Mayberry aspired to be. We watched as the languid currents of life floated Rocky (the not-so-self-proclaimed postmaster general) and his daughter across the street from the post office for an impromptu lasagna lunch (an Alexis specialty). Then lounged, read and cooked for the rest of the evening, stocking Gram’s freezer with soup, lasagna, and meatloaf for weeks!
It never fails that we come to Dresden and are reluctant to ever leave. As soon as we install a Hollywood A-list destination spa in the town center, we never have to worry about that sad state of egress again.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

perfect strangers

Ah, Chicago. How is it that every time we meet I end up drunk and in a compromised position... like barefoot on a 12th floor balcony at two in the morning? Well it has something to do with a philandering monkey and an evil legal super villain... and Andre.
This is one of those rare cases where you'll just have to take our word for it because the pictures are sure to cause trouble.
Ally Taylor, for those of you who don't already know, is a true renaissance woman. Legal maestro, rock band guru (doesn't even need a working instrument) and simian tailor extraordinaire (weddings & pool parties only). The girl shows us the best of Chicago while showing Chicago the rest of us.
Thanks for another... whatever that was.

and a random slap on the nose for pumpkin.


The Red Shed

Dave had vague memories of visiting Madison on his way out to LA back in 2003. He couldn’t remember much, just big mason jars of Long Island Iced Teas. That was about it. So we went on a mission to find the bar, and as luck would have it, we got there at 5, were the only people inside, and had the foozeball table to ourselves! As most of you know, Dave and Jessica are master Foozers. Josh and I are not. But we sure gave them a run for their money (not really) and talked a good game. The real moment of truth was when D&J went head to head. It was a true master of champions. Conveniently, they tied. Anyway, Dave got so into the fooze that he “hulked out his shirt”. Truly an impressive sight.

Madison WI, a summary

Okay… so I’m sure that somewhere in the library of congress there is a book titled “things to do in Madison Wisconsin”, I’m also pretty sure that it doesn’t include any of the following.
-eat one’s own bodyweight in fried cheese
-locate favorite bar from your last visit. The one where all you can remember about it is that they serve long island iced teas in quart canning jars.
-Once said bar has been located proceed to make the bar tender feel useful by ordering a whole bunch of the aforementioned cocktail, since you are the only people in there at 5pm.
-scare off a lonely cardiologist
-pay some lucky college student to drive your car home for you (see picture)
-take a two mile walk to find some dinner that ends up across the street from where you started in the first place
-eat more fried cheese.

if I had a nickel for every time....

After a very pleasant drive from Chicago to Madison we are glad to be at Josh and Jessica’s place. Buster is behaving himself, it’s cloudy and cool, we are about to go to the pumpkin patch for some carve-able gourds and I think some afternoon drinks might also be in the cards. What could be better you might ask? Not much… maybe throw a shower in there but it’s a pretty bad-ass day ‘round these parts.
Yesterday we spent some time at the Glass Nickel Pizza Co. right around the corner and enjoyed what might be my new, favorite pizza.
Sourkraut instead of sauce, cheddar and mozzarella cheese with sausage and diced pickles… almost tasted like an old school mcdonalds burger. Deeeelish!
Only in Wisconsin ladies and gentlemen.